Belfry Mons Renovation Project

As a Unesco World Heritage site and the only baroque belfry in Belgium, the belfry of Mons commands respect. During the restoration of this monument, an enormous stair structure inside the building was constructed from more than 300 Staco perforated spiral stair treads.

Запитване за оферта

Unesco Belfort Mons - geperforeerde looppaden en trapconstructies 4.jpg
  • Mons, Белгия
  • Обществени площи
Belfry Mons

Panels and gratings in a renovated building

Mons was the 2015 European Capital of Culture, and the decision was made as a result to restore the belfry. By adding various industrial elements (including our metal grilles and panels), the project's goal was achieved: the monument was restored and modernized. A panoramic lift was installed, offering a view of the architecture of the time. A large part of the restoration was the interior staircase and walking platforms.

Our part in Belfry Mons

We had a major share in the gigantic staircase construction inside Belfort Mons. We produced and delivered more than 300 perforated spiral steps made of galvanised steel. As stability of the construction was one of the main requirements, we offered the double-set perforated panels 3-40 MAW in a width of 1200 mm. This staircase construction runs all the way around the glass lift shaft to the viewing platform at the top of the tower.

The staircase construction is interrupted by several mezzanine floors that were fitted with stainless steel Staco gratings. These serve as mezzanines and were constructed using standard 30-2 press gratings with mesh size 33x33, additionally fitted with a welded-on kick plate measuring 70x3mm. For fall protection reasons, these mezzanines were given a boundary of vertically orientated gratings 30-2 mesh size 33x33. These gratings also act as a balustrade in this construction.




Our solutions are often part of a bigger story. That is why we like to work with our partners to make the project a success. Not only good cooperation, but also the best solutions and products ensure a great end result. That is why we only use our own metal solutions, and manufacture to the right specification to help resolve your challenge.

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About Belfry Mons

Since the late 1660s, Mons' belfry has kept a watchful eye over the city, warning residents of fire, invasions and bombings. Even today, the rhythm of life in Mons sways to the tones of the 49-bell carillon every 15 minutes. Major investments have been made in recent years to restore this monument to its 17th-century splendour. A unique interpretation centre with accompanying lift, stairs and platforms was also installed to turn the belfry into a museum!



More about this project

We contributed to the impressive restoration of the historic Belfry Mons. We would be happy to tell you more about it. Would you like to know more about this project, the solutions used and other challenges involved? Feel free to call or e-mail us, and we will schedule an informal meeting!

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