
The construction of the Second Coentunnel, the widening of the A8 and the A10 West and the construction of a new motorway allow traffic to move freely to the Amsterdam area. We manufactured Louvre Gratings to supply a share of the sun shading for this Second Coentunnel. They have been designed to provide light when entering and exiting the tunnel, enhancing road safety for motorists on the A8 near Amsterdam.

Запитване за оферта

Afbeelding 144.jpg
  • Amsterdam, Нидерландия
  • Обществени площи
  • Граждански

Inspired by motorbikes

The design of the Second Coentunnel evokes associations with motorbikes: the large canopy of steel grilles resembles the tongue of a motorbike shoe that sticks up when you put it on. Moreover, under this canopy hang expressive fans reminiscent of the exhaust pipes of a Harley Davidson. We were involved in the project at an early stage, so that we could have a good input into the design. This also resulted in us being able to start production and development very quickly, as we knew the dimensions of the required grilles.

Our part in the Coentunnel

We supplied over 2,700 m² of louvre press gratings, which we fitted with heavy-duty angle bars, holes and cut-outs for mounting. Partly due to the large dimensions and angle lines, the time spent on site for assembly was greatly reduced. In addition, we packed the gratings per section so that the assembly crew could place the gratings efficiently in and around the Coentunnel.


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Our solutions are often part of a bigger story. That is why we like to work with the best partners to make the project a great success. Not only good cooperation, but also the best solutions and products ensure a great end result. That is why we only use our own metal solutions with the right finish to match your challenge.r challenge.

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About Coentunnel

In 2004, a management agreement was concluded with the intention of building a Second Coentunnel and thoroughly renovating the First Coentunnel, as the capacity of the First Coentunnel had become insufficient over the years. After a decade, this complex project was completed and there is more road space again. Indeed, both tunnels now consist of four lanes. Not only has more space been created, road users can now also enter and exit the tunnel safely because the Staco gratings serve as sunshades at the tunnel ends.



More about this project

For the Coentunnel, we didn't just think about the design and how our products would fit in. We also made plans for the installation of the panels so that this went quickly and smoothly. Would you like to know more about how we did our part on the Coentunnel, and how we would approach your project, for example? Feel free to call or email us, and we will schedule a no-obligation meeting!

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