
The Cuyperspassage runs under Amsterdam Central Station and connects the northern IJ-side with the Stationsplein on the south side of the station. Here, the 15,000 pedestrians and cyclists who pass by daily admire a sleek wall with Staco gratings in RVS 316 on one of the sides.

Запитване за оферта

The Cuyperspassage Amsterdam_Staco_3.jpg
  • Central Station, Amsterdam, Нидерландия
  • Обществени площи
  • Граждански

A sleek tunnel
with gratings.

The Cuyperspassage, also known as the Slow Traffic Passage, was opened to the public in November 2015. Since then, cyclists and pedestrians can easily and safely get from the IJ to Amsterdam's city center. The passage runs under the Central Station tracks and is 110 meters long in total. We were commissioned to supply the gratings for this project. For this, we worked together with Benthem Crouwel architects, who came up with the design of the gratings for this project.

Our part in the Cuyperspassage

Because of the sleek look that the design had to have, we used a mould during production. As a result, the gratings all have exactly the same radius. During the production process, both we and the client colored the gratings to ensure quality. We also thought about packaging in this project by packing the gratings in order of placement. This allowed the steel fabricator to easily place the gratings in the correct order, saving considerable time. A total of 370 standard 2000 x 900 mm press gratings were used for this project, including 264 straight and 106 rolled gratings. We provided a number of gratings with round cut-outs for lighting facilities, among other things. Some gratings are also equipped with hinges, making it easy to lift them up.


The Cuyperspassage Amsterdam_Staco_1.jpg


Our solutions are often part of a bigger story. That is why we like to work with the best partners to make the project a great success. Not only good cooperation, but also the best solutions and products ensure a great end result. That is why we only use our own metal solutions with the right finish to match your challenge.

About the Cuyperspassage

Amsterdam Central Station and its immediate surroundings are undergoing a complete overhaul. The reason is that today it has to cope with as many as ten times more travelers a day than in 1889, when it was designed by architect P. Cuypers. The passage named after him was commissioned by Prorail and the City of Amsterdam. The purpose of the passage is to safely guide cyclists and pedestrians from the IJ to the city centre.



More about this project.

Are you curious about this project and would you like to know more about the details of the Staco solutions in the Cuyperspassage? Our experts will be happy to tell you all about the metal panels and associated finishes that were used here. Feel free to call or e-mail us for an informal talk with one of our experts.

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