Little C

The Little C district in Rotterdam gives you the feeling of walking through New York. For this beautiful project in Rotterdam, we were commissioned by Wolter Tijdink to supply standard pressure-welded gratings and pressure-welded stair treads, hot-dip galvanised by Rotocoat. The fifteen buildings are characterised by sturdy brick, large windows, robust window frames and striking steel balconies.

Запитване за оферта

Little Coolhaven 2_WEB.jpg
  • Rotterdam, Нидерландия
  • Домашно и жилищно строителство
  • Обществени площи
Little C

A piece of New York in Rotterdam

At the head of the Coolhaven in Rotterdam, between Erasmus MC and Rotterdam University, you will find a piece of New York; the Little C district. This special district breathes the atmosphere of New York's Greenwich Village and connects nicely with the surrounding districts such as the Lloydkwartier, Binnenweg area and the Veerhaven. We contributed to this project by supplying our gratings and stair treads, which can be seen on the exterior facades of the buildings.

Our contribution to Little C in Rotterdam

We were able to contribute to this beautiful project on behalf of Wolter Tijdink with our solutions. We supplied steel Welded Standard gratings and Welded Stair treads, hot-dip galvanized by Rotocoat. We know better than anyone that you make an impact together: we supplied the steel gratings and steps, Wolter Tijdink produced and assembled all fences, balconies and stairs.

Welded Standard gratings, which were used at Little C, consist of a solid grid of bearing and filler bars. The filler bars are pressed into the bearing bars and at the same time resistance welded on all joints. This gives the Welded Standard gratings a high degree of stability. The larger mesh size of the supplied gratings provides a greater degree of transparency, maintaining the connection to the outdoor space. The gratings supplied are very stable and have a robust industrial look that perfectly suits the ambience of Little C.


Little Coolhaven 1_WEB.jpg


Our solutions are often part of a bigger story. That is why we like to work with the best partners to make the project a great success. Not only good cooperation, but also the best solutions and products ensure a beautiful end result. That is why we only use our own metal solutions with the right finish to match your challenge.

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About Little C

Little C, the New York neighborhood in Rotterdam, is a special living and working area with lofts and flats, workspaces, a car park, studio, catering and other facilities. The area looks and feels like Greenwich Village. Each building has its own style and character, but everything fits together. The mix of architectural styles and materials creates, so to speak, a village in the city. There is a cozy and relaxed atmosphere and the collective roof gardens, the various squares and the new Coolhaven Park invite residents to make contact.



More about this project

Our people make the real difference by using their knowledge, skill and helpfulness to find a tailor-made solution to your challenge. We were able to do just that at Little C in Rotterdam. Curious about what else we did for this project or how we can help you with your challenge? Feel free to contact us.

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