London Bridge Place

A business environment, 'The Place' is prominent in London's newest commercial quarter. It offers 40,000 m² of efficient, modern office space, in a prestigious seventeen-story building. We were allowed to contribute to this architectural masterpiece with our grilles, which, among other things, were able to hide the equipment on the roof in a modern way.

Запитване за оферта

  • London, Обединеното кралство
  • Обществени площи
  • Граждански
London Bridge Place

Our gratings for great views

London Bridge Place creates direct access to London Bridge Quarter's new square and easy connection to the station. It also provides a beautiful view for the millions of people who pass through the transport hub and overlook London's newest commercial district. Through the design of "The Place", the aim of delivering exceptional environmental performance emerged and it offers one of London's largest roof terraces with stunning views across the city. In collaboration with Dane Architectural Systems Ltd, we provided the grids on the roof of London Bridge Place, which give the building an extra architectural boost.

Our part in London Bridge Place

We worked with Dane Architectural Systems Ltd at an early stage with the project. As a result, we were able to specify a number of different standard press gratings that could address the many challenges surrounding this high-rise project. A key design challenge was to conceal the equipment on the roof. So that the view from the adjacent building The Shard was obstructed as little as possible. On this project, we worked with very strict lead times and dealt with multiple levels and areas simultaneously. Working closely with Dane Architectural Systems Ltd, we ensured that the project stayed on schedule and met the tight deadlines.

Martin George, Commercial Director of Dane Architectural Systems Ltd said, "Grids don't normally get this level of attention from the design team." But at the Place, because of the highly visible location, it was important to carefully develop the coordination and detailing of the panels. This was the only way we could arrive at this solution, which is both aesthetic and functional.




Our solutions are often part of a bigger story. That is why we like to work with the best partners to make the project a great success. Not only good cooperation, but also the best solutions and products ensure a great end result. That is why we only use our own metal solutions with the right finish to match your challenge.

About London Bridge Place

The Place at London Bridge is a development project with more than 40,000 sq m of office space and 2,000 sq m of retail space in the London Bridge Quadrant, one of London's newest commercial areas. The distinctive building is located next to The Shard, a taller building with offices, hotels and flats. The circular shape of The Place was determined by its location: the building was shaped by having to take into account the rails of the trains. The building also varies in height: it is higher towards the Shard and gets lower towards Southwark Cathedral.



More about this project

Our press grids provided a clean look and functional design at London Bridge Place. But it was only through our collaboration with Dane Architectural Systems and the other partners in this project that we were able to make this impact for the building. Want to know more about this collaboration or the solutions we used at the Place? We would be happy to tell you more during an informal talk!

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