
In the North Station business district of Brussels, we collaborated on the two elegant and exclusive Möbius towers. The design, by Assar Architects, is characterized by a sleek and timeless design in an urban environment. In this project, which we carried out on behalf of Interbuild NV, our crescent-shaped segment panels act as sun blinds along the inside of the double glass façade on the south side.

Запитване за оферта

  • Brussels, Белгия
  • Домашно и жилищно строителство
  • Обществени площи

Exclusive towerswith austere louvres

The Möbius project is raising 2 new passive office towers in the North Quarter of Brussels, with a rather remarkable elliptical ground plan. Office floors will be built around the central core of each building. These benefit from a breathtaking panoramic view of the city thanks to the huge glass façade. On the south side of the building there is a double-skin façade, between which our crescent-shaped segment panels act as shading and architectural element.


Our share in Möbius

Due to the glass façade wall located almost around the entire building, there is optimum use of daylight. This also ensures a fresh working environment for the offices located within the towers. So even on the south side, where there is a double-skin façade, plenty of light enters. We therefore provided good sun protection and an extra architectural boost to the distinctive towers with our Standard Pressed Gratings. An additional challenge awaited us, as the mesh widths of the gratings had to be aligned according to the radii defining the building contours. A precise job, but certainly not impossible for us!


Our solutions are often part of a bigger story. That is why we like to work with the best partners to make the project a great success. Not only good cooperation, but also the best solutions and products ensure a great end result. That is why we only use our own metal solutions with the right finish to match your challenge.

About Möbius

The Möbius Towers are two office towers in the Brussels North area just a few meters from Brussels North railway station. The distinctive elliptical towers are not the same height; one tower has 18 floors, the other 24. This makes the tallest tower as high as 90 meters. This great height and the enormous glass façade wall create a breathtaking panoramic view of the city.



More about this project

Our press gratings provided good sun protection and an extra sleek and high-quality design at the Möbius Towers in Brussels. Would you like to know more about our part in these designs, the collaboration we entered into with Assar Architects, or are you curious about the details of the solutions we used here? Our experts will be happy to tell you all about it during an informal talk. Feel free to call or e-mail us!

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