Sportpavillon Fletiomare-Oost (NL)

Not only the population, but also the demand for sports facilities is increasing in the Leidsche Rijn district of Utrecht. With sports pavilion Fleitomare-Oost, a new sports complex has been realized to meet this growing demand. Football club PVCV, handball club HV Leidsche Rijn and korfball club Fiduca have been playing sports under one roof since Friday 29 September 2017. We were allowed to contribute to the superstructure by supplying the finest expanded metal.

Запитване за оферта

  • Utrecht, Нидерландия
  • Обществени площи
Sports pavilion Fletiomare-Oost

sports pavilion

"After one and a half years of being in a construction pit, we now have a very nice and transparent sports pavilion that all three associations are happy with!".

The developments in the neighborhood meant that the demand for sports facilities increased enormously and a solution had to be created for this. We know better than anyone that you make an impact together. In collaboration with architectural firm EGM, Bolton Bouw and Emlar Bouw, a sports pavilion was designed with two sports canteens, a general dressing room complex and various communal areas. The pavilion exudes togetherness, but also shows the character of the three associations.

Our contribution to Sports Pavilion Fletiomare-East

We know how important good cooperation is and the impact we can make together. We were involved in this project at an early stage and collaborated with the partners on the type of expanded metal for the superstructure. Being part of an international family gives us the opportunity to work closely with our suppliers. We asked the supplier to develop ideas for the pleated expanded metal and fabricate some panels for the sandbag pendulum test; a mandatory test to test the fall-through safety of a floor edge separation structure. The pleated expanded metal passed this test with flying colors, after which production finally started.

We produced 260 panels measuring 2955 x 530 mm with white pleated expanded metal. All panels are fitted with welded-on strip and angle line for mounting. We also produced the black letters and sports logos in expanded metal and secured them to the expanded metal with cable ties. We produced the panels; Elmar Group used an aerial platform to mount them on the steel structure.




Our solutions are often part of a bigger story. That is why we like to work with the best partners to make the project a great success. Not only good cooperation, but also the best solutions and products ensure a beautiful end result. That is why we only use our own metal solutions with the right finish to match your challenge.

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About sports pavilion Fletiomare-Oost

The sports pavilion was designed by the architectural firm EGM to have only front sides. Due to the superstructure with its unusually designed panels of expanded metal, the lettering and the sports logos, the building is clearly recognisable on all sides. Not only as a whole, but also the associations separately. This is exactly what it radiates; transparency, accessibility and recognisability.



More about this project

Our people make the real difference by using their knowledge, expertise and helpfulness to find a tailor-made solution to your challenge. We were able to do the same at sports pavilion Fletiomare-Oost. Are you curious to know what else we did for this project or how we can help you with your challenge? Then feel free to contact us.

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