Vondelgym WTC Rotterdam

To exercise in a Vondelgym, you no longer have to go to Amsterdam since October 2021. You can now do so in the brand new Vondelgym in Rotterdam. When furnishing the new Vondelgym in the WTC building in Rotterdam, we were allowed to contribute to the cool design with our standard press rosters. This brand new, cool version branch in Rotterdam is run by a real Rotterdammer, Winston Berwijn, better known as rapper Winne.

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  • Rotterdam, Нидерландия
  • Обществени площи
Vondelgym WTC Rotterdam

Stylish sports

From now on, you can come to the port city for your workouts. We are proud to have contributed to this. In the heart of Rotterdam, the newest Vondelgym branch has opened in the basement of the World Trade Center. Not only the quality of the equipment and materials is important, especially the atmosphere in a gym. The basement has been turned into a castle with a tough and unique look where athletes can meet and be inspired to work out.

Our contributions to Vondelgym WTC Rotterdam

The tough character of the new branch is incredibly important, as the appearance of this gym is paramount. Upon entering, you are immediately welcomed at the bar, including the typical Vondelgym house style with wooden elements. From the bar, you can already see a large part of the gym, including the floating boxing ring as an eye-catcher. Everything comes together in a sleek and tough look thanks to, among other things, our steel press gratings. We placed these in various places. You can see them in the walls, the ceilings and on the stairs.

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Our solutions are often part of a bigger story. That is why we like to work with the best partners to make the project a great success. Not only good cooperation, but also the best solutions and products ensure a great end result. That is why we only use our own metal solutions with the right finish to match your challenge.

More about this project

Our people make the real difference by using their knowledge, expertise and helpfulness to find a tailor-made solution to your challenge. We were able to do the same at Vondelgym WTC Rotterdam. Are you curious to know what else we did for this project or how we can help you with your challenge? Then feel free to contact us.

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